Relationship between Husband's Support, Family Support and Adjustment to the New Role as a Mother with EventsPostpartum Bluesin the Andalas Health Center Working Area

Fitrayeni Fitrayeni, Dilla Dwi Tilana, Ulfa Farrah Lisa


Postpartum bluesor as it is often calledbaby bluesormaternity bluesis a mild psychological disorder that occurs temporarily, namely 2 days to 2 weeks after giving birth, which is characterized by anxiety, panic easily, fatigue, often blaming yourself and feeling unable to take care of the baby. This research aims to determine the relationship between husband's support, family support and adjustment to a new role as a mother with eventspostpartum bluesin the Andalas Health Center working area.
Quantitative research by designcross-sectional,carried out in the working area of the Andalas Health Center, Padang City from January to December 2021. The respondents of this study were 58 pregnant women in the third trimester of July. Sampling is carried out using techniques proportional sampling. The research instrument used was a questionnaire. Univariate and bivariate analysis usingchi square (p<0.05).
The research results showed that 34.5% of respondents experiencedpostpartum blues. The results of bivariate analysis show that there is a relationship between husband's support (p=0.010), family support (p=0.018), and adjustment to the new role as a mother (p=0.020) with the incidence ofpostpartum bluesin the Andalas Health Center working area.
There is a relationship between husband's support, family support and adjustment to a new role as a mother and eventspostpartum bluesin the Andalas Health Center working area.


Postpartum Blues, Husband's Support, Family Support, Adjustment to New Role as Mother

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Undergraduate Program of Midwifery
Faculty of Medicine - Universitas Andalas - Indonesia
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