Effects of Breast Cancer Counseling on Attitudes of Acting Mothers in BSE in Timpag Village, Kerambitan Subdistrict, Tabanan Regency, Bali-Indonesia

DOI: https://doi.org/10.25077/jom.4.2.21-26.2019


Ni Wayan Sukma Adnyani (Politeknik Kesehatan Kartini Bali)
Ni Putu Diah Andini (Politeknik Kesehatan Kartini Bali)


This study aims to determine the effect of breast cancer counseling on the attitude of mothers doing BSE actions. The study design used a pretest-posttest model to measure the knowledge and attitudes of 45 respondents. Data from research results were collected using a questionnaire and data analysis using the Rank Wilcoxon statistical test. The results showed: (1) Before giving counseling, knowledge included as many as 34 categories (75.56%), 9 categories as enough (20.00%), and 2 categories as good (4.44%), while attitudes included negative categories were 32 (71.11%) and positive categories were 13 (28.89%). (2) After being given knowledge counseling including as many as 3 categories (6.67%), sufficient categories as many as 5 (11.11%), and good categories as many as 37 (82.22%), while attitudes including negative categories as much as 4 ( 8.89%) and positive categories as much as 41 (91.11%). The Wilcoxon test with a p value of <0.05 was said to have a difference, namely the value of p = 0,000, and the value of Z count - 5,393 which means that there is an effect of breast cancer counseling on the attitude of mothers doing BSE in Timpag Village.

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Copyright (c) 2020 Ni Wayan Sukma Adnyani

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Undergraduate Program of Midwifery
Faculty of Medicine - Universitas Andalas - Indonesia
Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Andalas

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